Paul’s Post-Vacation Debrief: Take A Hike!
I’m back from a week-long vacation with family and friends to northern California. It was my first vacation of the “more-than-a-long-weekend” variety in over five years, and I have to admit time away from the business of business does a body and a mind and a spirit...
Are All Communication Methods Equal?
I admit it. Occasionally, I’ll opt for a quick text message or email rather than talk to someone by phone. It’s easy and I run little chance of getting caught up in a “too-long” conversation when I’m pressed for time. It might even help me avoid a difficult or awkward...
Paul June Update: Hey, Has It Really Been That Long?
Time flies, they say, when you’re having fun, so I must be having loads of fun! While it seems just like yesterday I caught everyone up to date with one of my—ahem!—“quarterly” check-ins, a look back at the files tells me it’s been quite a stretch. Better late than...
Everyone Has a Story
“The life which is unexamined is not worth living.” – Plato I want to tell you a story. It’s the story of my life. Well, not the whole story—I’ll spare you the typical biographical details of when I was born and how old I was when I first learned to ride a bike....
What’s Your Strategy?
I recently had a conversation with a good friend. He was feeling restless about his website, his social media presence, and his overall message. He said he was feeling the need for a change, but really could not say why. All things in both his personal and...
The Art of Storytelling
Everyone has a story, and everyone likes to hear a good story. It’s a unique quality of being human. Heck, even cave dwellers told stories. In fact, for millennia, before we had writing, oral storytelling was the only way history passed from one generation to another....
You Can’t Spell Relationships without R-E-A-L
When you talk to others, do you fully engage? Do they? I was watching a discussion panel the other night on TV. It became readily apparent that the talking heads really weren’t listening to one another. Each was simply waiting for a moment of quiet as the cue for when...
Ideas without Execution Are Possibility Squandered
Ideas are the lifeblood of the entrepreneurial spirit. They are the sparks of innovation, the kernels of “what might be.” But ideas alone are not success. Ideas represent potential. Without execution, ideas are just that—ideas. They are pie in the sky dreams and...
Designer E-Marketing, Anyone?
I am sometimes amazed by the contents of my email inbox, particularly tailor-made messages and offers designed just for me. Of course, as a marketer and entrepreneur in this digital age, I shouldn’t really be that surprised. I get it. Opt-in lists, segmentation,...
Inbound Marketing: It All Adds Up
“If you build it, he will come,” may be a classic movie quote (number 39 all time on The American Film Institute’s Top 100 Movie Quotes), but as a business maxim, it just doesn’t pass muster. Let’s face it, there are no guarantees in business. As any entrepreneur,...
In the Running: Personal Branding and the Presidency
With just under 17 months to the finish line, the 2016 race for the White House is underway. Hillary Clinton ended months of suspense (insert monkey sarcasm here) by finally making her bid official over the weekend. She joins fellow Democratic hopeful and former...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.