You Might Not Be Able to Solve a Problem, But You Can Address It
Choosing NOT to address a problem is no different than failing to solve it, while addressing a problem, even if you fail, allows you to let go and move on.
Choosing NOT to address a problem is no different than failing to solve it, while addressing a problem, even if you fail, allows you to let go and move on.
Team building and team engagement tips to keep employees engaged and focused all year round.
The authentic, genuine YOU that you present to an audience should NEVER change, but your communication style should change to suit the context and ensure optimal connection and understanding.
After a long year, you’ve earned a holiday respite from the daily grind. But you must also maintain momentum toward the goals you set at the start of the year. Master the art of pacing yourself to ensure there’s something left in the tank come December.
In business and in life, there are just some things we love to do and some things we abhor—even if we’re good at them. What we like gives us energy, what we don’t drains it. In that light, let’s explore some realistic options for overcoming energy drains and gains at home and at work.