Make Your Message So Clear Everyone Can Understand It
When a message is not targeted, relatable, simple, unique, or of interest to the recipient it won’t be well received or memorable.
When a message is not targeted, relatable, simple, unique, or of interest to the recipient it won’t be well received or memorable.
The last six months have been a colorful blend of business, family milestones, and general sports fervor (go Dodgers!). Like George Bailey, from ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ I am the richest man in town for a lot of reasons…
Knowing how many people are accessing your web site, what their experience of it is, and whether they are buying what you’re selling is . . . priceless.
What good will it do for a search engine to rank your online content highly, only for it to miss the mark with your human readers?
What makes us creative? Can creativity be taught? The main ingredient necessary for creativity to flourish—from success at work or at home is . . .