It Is All About Who They Know

What if I told you that you could market your product or service to a handful of key individuals and be just as successful, if not more so, as you would casting a wider net to reach a bigger audience? Would you think, “Paul’s been spending too much time on the...

Add Proactive Planning to Your Tool Kit

There’s an old adage, “You can’t plan for everything.” True. But if you plan for most things, you can put yourself in the best position possible to ACT versus REACT when opportunities and challenges present themselves. Why is this important? I much prefer to act with...

In Search of the Perfect Marketing Touch

In my end-all, be-all of monkey sales dreams, the ideal transaction would go something like this: I grow a great crop of bananas; I tell my fellow monkeys how awesome the bananas taste and how good they are for them; and then my monkey “prospects” literally fight over...