Keeping up the Momentum

Business success is as much about timing as it is about having good ideas and working hard. In my “world” timing encompasses things like pace and execution, of knowing when to “hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em” as Kenny Rogers would say. Most of us—at least those of us...

Sadly, Patience Still in Short Supply

With kids back in public school, college campuses refilled, national and local elections looming, and the economy still stuck in the doldrums, wouldn’t it be great to fast forward a few weeks, months, or years and see how it all turns out? Maybe, but what would be the...

RE-Living the “Hyphen”

Summer’s end and the sight of busses bringing young one’s back to school often makes me reflective. Summer comes upon us each year with much promise, and seldom do we squeeze in all we hope to get done. But does that mean we had a bad summer? Hardly. I’m a believer in...

Updates and Upgrades: Here We Go Again

Seems every year about this time, either to catch the wave of back-to-schoolers or to whet the appetites of pre-holiday shoppers, Apple and other techno-giants unveil new products, upgrades, and/or plans for such. Rather than go in full blog mode on a subject near and...

Finding Balance

Some days, the work never seems to end. You’re going 100 miles per hour and getting nowhere, trapped in a whirlwind of activity. Other days, idle time leads to pacing, anxiety, and lack of focus—there must be something I could be doing! You find it hard to relax, to...