We’re thrilled to announce the success of our most recent, “The Gathering,” hosted by yours truly, Paul June, and Eric Ludwig, whose team at Ludwig APC are experts in privacy law, intellectual property, and business litigation.  Eric and I go back 30+ years as friends and business colleagues. We’re big believers in “when you gather the right group, anything can happen!”

Eric and I each have three young daughters at home who bring much joy (and occasional madness!) to our lives. So, it was a natural extension of our relationship to create this quarterly event where friends, clients, and team members could come together and share stories … and create new ones.

Naturally, Barrel O’Monkeyz “style,” this isn’t just another networking event. “The Gathering” prioritizes genuine connections and meaningful discussions fireside-chat style. Guests show up, drop titles, and gather as equals. There is food and drink, plus plenty of food for thought.

We delve into topics ranging from AI and ChatGPT to branding and marketing to various industry updates, as well as what’s going on with us personally. Most of all, it’s an opportunity for members of the greater San Diego business community to share insights, exchange ideas, and get to know each other a little better.

We’re excited to see “The Gathering” community continue to grow. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, “The Gathering” offers a welcoming environment where everyone has a voice.

Scenes from Our Most Recent Event

The Gathering name tags The Gathering food for thought
The Gathering brings people together

The Gathering everyone has a voice
The Gathering good food, good companyThe Gathering fireside chats
The Gathering we are all equals
The Gathering to share stories
The Gathering creating storiesThe Gathering sharing insightsThe Gathering Paul June and Eric Ludwig
The Gathering brings people together
The Gathering get to know each other

All Aboard the Monkeyz Barrel

The BOM team is fortunate to work with some great companies and individuals, helping them grow through focused marketing integrations powered by HubSpot, Zoho, Constant Contact, WP Engine, and others.

I want to give shout-outs to our valued clients who entrust us to grow their business as we grow ours. Your friendship and loyalty are truly appreciated.

I also want to extend special thanks to Chris Walner of Chief Outsiders, Reb Risty from REBL Marketing, and Les Kollegian at Jacob Tyler for sharing their insight and expertise with Barrel O’Monkeyz … and for believing.

If You’re Interested, Why Wait?

If you’re not already part of the Monkeyz mailing list, now is the perfect time to join so you don’t miss out on future updates and exclusive invitations to upcoming events. Let’s sip, chat, and connect like never before!