San Diego, August 2024

Barrel O’Monkeyz is hosting an AI “experts” panel in early August in San Diego. We are looking for 2 to 3 AI experts to engage in a one-hour fireside chat about how AI can be used in the world of finance.

We plan to have 15 high profile CFOs from the San Diego area exchanging ideas, plus other CEOs, company presidents, and entrepreneurs in attendance.

Interested? If so, reach out to me, Paul June, at (310) 503-1149 or [email protected] .

Re-purposing content is all about tweaking existing content and putting it in a new package for distribution. It’s a way to gain mileage for your content, reach new audiences through alternate channels, and reinforce your message without being repetitive.

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen client eyes glaze over when I tell them that we’re going to be pushing out content—lots of content—on a weekly (or even more frequent) basis, I’d be a very rich man. No surprise there. Trying to wrap your mind around the amount of content necessary to fuel a top-notch inbound marketing effort is daunting, mind-boggling even.

Of course, Barrel O’Monkeyz does most of the heavy lifting to develop and distribute content, but client are still involved in brainstorming ideas and providing guidance. Naturally, they’re thinking, “How can we find enough to write or talk about on a regular basis?”

No matter how you look at it, coming up with ideas for content, researching it, developing it, and then churning it out on a regular basis can be intimidating. Let’s take a look at one way to lessen the load so you’re not always starting from square one. I call it re-purposing.

The Art of Repurposing

Repurposing content is the art of taking your existing content and making something new from it by re-using or recycling it in some other way. Rest assured, repurposing is not just re-writing the same old message and posting or sharing it under a different headline. That gets tiring fast.

Re-purposing requires some re-tooling the content as well. After all, just because your content makes a good email or blog post, doesn’t mean it’s ready to be recorded as a video or podcast.

Here’s an example of repurposing:

  • You (or your content development team) research a topic, develop keywords, outline industry trends, identify target audience selling points, and come up with your brand’s angle.
  • You or your team develop this content into an article expressing the key message you want to convey to your target audience.
  • The article then can be re-purposed as a blog post or press release, tailored as appropriate in style, tone, length, etc., for the particular venue through which it will be distributed.
  • At the same time, the content can be re-purposed as brochure, website copy, or even a fact sheet download, tailored accordingly, of course.
  • Other examples of repurposing include developing the same core content into an infographic, white paper, pitch deck, podcast, webinar, or informational video, etc.

Where re-purposing saves most time and effort is that you don’t have to do all the research and compilation of material necessary to create new content again. That’s already been done.

Let’s Get Creative

Barrel O’Monkeyz can help you explore ways to both generate fresh content and repurpose it for a white variety of mediums. We serve as a seasoned, outsourced marketing team for companies looking to ramp up sales and launch new products. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to prove we don’t just monkey around! Contact Barrel O’Monkeyz Today