by King Monkey | Feb 26, 2020 | Branding, Digital Media, Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tips, Story Telling
At the heart of any enduring brand are its key messages—those snippets of content and descriptors about your company and its products and services that get delivered consistently to your target audience through a variety of channels, bringing your brand to life in a...
by King Monkey | Feb 6, 2020 | Blog Tips, Entrepreneurs, Leadership, Team Building
The rites of late winter are upon us. The Superbowl is over. Major League Baseball pitchers and catchers will be reporting to spring training soon. The days are getting longer, and warmer temps are with us more consistently here in southern California. My Dodgers...
by King Monkey | Jan 27, 2020 | Blog Tips, Digital Media, Entrepreneurs
It’s award season in the American entertainment industry. You can barely get through a news cycle without hearing about this actress, that producer, or some pop star talking about his or her craft and how simply being nominated for an award is an honor. NOTE: for...
by King Monkey | Jan 14, 2020 | Blog Tips, Business Development, Design, Digital Media, Entrepreneurs, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tips, Planning
I’m a firm believer that every day when we wake, we intend to do and be the best for ourselves, our friends, our families, our communities, and for our businesses. I also believe that the start of a fresh year is a special time for reflection, renewal, and...