People Are My Business

The Holidays are fast approaching and the season of giving is upon us. It’s also a time for service and reflection. Last year around this time, I wrote a Blog about the “art” of serving and honoring others, which seems an especially fitting theme again this year. My...

Take Charge: Treat Your Career as a Business

We all know the death knell of any business is stagnation. You have to be constantly improving, innovating, and growing your business or else run the risk of falling behind. And in this economy, you can’t afford to fall behind. Chances are you’ll get left in the dust...

Gratitude is the Place to Start

Yesterday I read that a survey found 45% of Americans across all income levels would rather skip “Christmas” because the holiday season simply brings too much financial pressure. Many blamed retailers for over commercializing the holiday to the point where...

Head’s Up!

As many of you know, after four years of developing Barrel O’Monkeyz into a full service virtual marketing firm, I have decided over the last four months to shift my attention towards my next big venture. With that being said, my blogging will not stop nor will my...