Needs vs. Wants Helps Us Keep Priorities in Focus

Needs vs. Wants Helps Us Keep Priorities in Focus

It’s not easy to stay focused—not in a world that seems to be moving at a million miles per hour, not in a world in which we are bombarded with endless news cycles that feed us stories ranging from deadly snow and cold in the northeast to ISIS beheadings in the Middle...

Time Flies

They say time flies when you’re having fun. And for me, 2014 has been a blast. On the personal front, I got engaged, got married, and just a couple of weeks ago welcomed home baby Lee. Professionally, I’ve been hard at work with Barrel O’ Monkeyz, helping clients...

Saying No: It’s Harder than You Think

Do you have a hard time saying no? Lots of people do, including me. It must have something to do with my entrepreneurial spirit or some fear that I’ll miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime. Or maybe I’ve just got this nurturing soul deep down inside that never...

A Matter of Time

WOW. Is it really already mid-November? With the Thanksgiving feast looming, Turkeys everywhere are scattering. These days it seems as though every year goes by more quickly. I guess our parents were right when they said time goes faster as you get older. Looking back...