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Find Your Niche . . . and Scratch It

Find Your Niche . . . and Scratch It

There’s an old adage that says “You can’t be everything to everybody.” Attempt to do so in your personal life, and you’ll constantly be trying to please everyone to the point where you stretch yourself so thin that there’s just not enough “you” left to go around for...

Making the Case for Content Repurposing

Making the Case for Content Repurposing

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen a client’s eyes glaze over when I tell him or her that we’re going to be pushing out content—lots of content—on a weekly (or even more frequent) basis, I’d be a very rich man. No surprise there. Trying to wrap your mind...

Does Your Brand Have Influence?

Does Your Brand Have Influence?

Is your company doing all it can to leverage influencers in your field or industry to drive engagement and brings in new audiences? I’ve written in this space over the years about how brands can put influencer marketing to work for them. Now as technology and the...

The Purpose Behind Your Brand: Why Are You In Business?

The Purpose Behind Your Brand: Why Are You In Business? WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE! It takes a team to achieve success and thrive in today’s busy world, and the Barrel O'Monkeyz team is filled with All Stars! Every so often, I like to highlight a member of the Barrel O'Monkeyz...

The Dos and Don’ts of Choosing Your WordPress Theme

The Dos and Don’ts of Choosing Your WordPress Theme

I’m going to go out on a limb (because that’s what monkeyz do, you see) and guess that you and/or your website team aren’t in the habit of hand-coding your website’s HTML, PHP, or JavaScript on a daily basis—not unless you or they are in to that kind of thing. I’m...

Maintain Your Marketing Momentum: Full Steam Ahead!

Maintain Your Marketing Momentum: Full Steam Ahead!

A good friend of mine, Frank Cowell of Elevator, recently wrote a blog about "The one thing that will Make or Break Your Marketing." Any guesses? Budget? Nope. Messaging? Nope. Creative? Nope. Those are all good guesses, and certainly each is critical to successful...

Does Your Blog Measure Up?

Does Your Blog Measure Up?

If you don’t yet have a blog, chances are you’ve thought of starting one, but just haven’t quite wrapped your brain around how it might be valuable to your business and brand-building efforts. If you do have a blog, congratulations, you’re part of the 53% of marketers...


​Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.