RE-Living the “Hyphen”

Summer’s end and the sight of busses bringing young one’s back to school often makes me reflective. Summer comes upon us each year with much promise, and seldom do we squeeze in all we hope to get done. But does that mean we had a bad summer? Hardly. I’m a believer in...

Let’s Get Creative

When I hear someone say, “Hey you’re the creative one, I’m not,” I begin to shudder. What a weak excuse for someone not to think! Whether someone is a “left brain” or “right brain,” we can all be creative. In fact, we all can apply creativity to our jobs and to our...

Updates and Upgrades: Here We Go Again

Seems every year about this time, either to catch the wave of back-to-schoolers or to whet the appetites of pre-holiday shoppers, Apple and other techno-giants unveil new products, upgrades, and/or plans for such. Rather than go in full blog mode on a subject near and...

Problem Solving 101

Encountering a problem is not always the end of the world. Sure, it’s likely we’ll all encounter a catastrophic situation at some point in our lives, but by and large, our day-to-day business and personal problems can be managed and overcome. It’s how we react to...