Lead by Example

When you were little, I wager more than one adult asked you, “When you grow up, how are you going to change the world?” I was no different. I daydreamed often about how I was going to change things. I’d become president, be an astronaut, a doctor, or do something...

Time to Drop the Entitlement Attitude

The country’s financial ills aren’t going to fix themselves. We’ve got friends around the world, especially in Europe, hurting just as bad as (or worse than) us, and we’ve got enemies who would love nothing more than to see the United States crumble. And here at home,...

It’s Your Move

What do you do when times get tough, personally or professionally? Do you curl up in a ball and try to ride it out, hoping for the best, or do you take action? This King Monkey believes nothing’s going to happen unless you make it happen. Just as the...

Let There be Fireworks

Sometimes you need to celebrate, just for the sake of celebrating . . . even when things are looking down. Take this Independence Day, for example. Is everything perfect in America? Well, between the economy, deficit reduction battles, high gas prices, out-of-control...