The Staying Power and Flexibility of Social Media

[Laurie Pehar Borsh is a public relations professional, social media PR consultant/guru, and member of the Barrel O’Monkeyz team (] How do you track results from your traditional direct mail or advertising campaigns? If you’re like most small...

Social Media: Not Just Another Sales Pitch

[Laurie Pehar Borsh is a public relations professional, social media PR consultant/guru, and member of the Barrel O’Monkeyz team (] Nobody likes to be outright “sold to” either online or offline. Just think of the last time you went to lease or...

With a Clean Slate, Anything’s Possible

Maybe it’s because I spent time over the holidays in Alaska, marveling at the wonders Mother Nature has to offer, or back here in California skiing in the mountains, refreshing mind, body, and spirit—whatever it is, I am looking at 2012 with a feeling of renewed...

Going Social

People are talking about you right now—your business, your products, your customer service. Can you afford not to listen? Better yet, how can you become part of the conversation so you can raise awareness of your brand and beef up your marketing efforts? Social media...

Be Part of the Conversation

When it comes to search engine relevance and social media success online, content remains king. While the future of search results is ever-changing (check out this fascinating discussion of Facebook, Google, and the nature of relationship driven vs. numbers-driven SEO...