Take Charge: Treat Your Career as a Business

We all know the death knell of any business is stagnation. You have to be constantly improving, innovating, and growing your business or else run the risk of falling behind. And in this economy, you can’t afford to fall behind. Chances are you’ll get left in the dust...

Sadly, Patience Still in Short Supply

With kids back in public school, college campuses refilled, national and local elections looming, and the economy still stuck in the doldrums, wouldn’t it be great to fast forward a few weeks, months, or years and see how it all turns out? Maybe, but what would be the...

Network, Network, NETWORK!

Whether you’re a self-employed solo entrepreneur, a small business owner, or an executive who’s either looking for a new career path or who’s happily entrenched where you are, the key to keeping your “pipeline” filled, whether you’re looking for new projects, new...

Problem Solving 101

Encountering a problem is not always the end of the world. Sure, it’s likely we’ll all encounter a catastrophic situation at some point in our lives, but by and large, our day-to-day business and personal problems can be managed and overcome. It’s how we react to...

Will The Real You Stand Up?

When you were little, I’m sure a parent, teacher, or other authority figure in your life, at one time or another, told you “Honesty is the best policy.” The words might seem trite now, the sentiments a little corny, but give them another read while...