It Takes a Network

Regular readers of my blog know that I believe networking is one of the most vital activities necessary for success, whether you are looking to jump into a new career, jumpstart and old one, grow your business, increase your exposure, learn more about a new locale, or...

What’s A Start Up to Do these Days?

Not so long ago, if you had a great idea for a business, some personal initiative, and the willingness to work hard, you could usually find accessible dollars and/or investing partners who could set you on your feet and on the path to success. These days, with the...

Take Charge: Treat Your Career as a Business

We all know the death knell of any business is stagnation. You have to be constantly improving, innovating, and growing your business or else run the risk of falling behind. And in this economy, you can’t afford to fall behind. Chances are you’ll get left in the dust...

Network, Network, NETWORK!

Whether you’re a self-employed solo entrepreneur, a small business owner, or an executive who’s either looking for a new career path or who’s happily entrenched where you are, the key to keeping your “pipeline” filled, whether you’re looking for new projects, new...