Paul’s “Theory of Creativity”

Creativity is amazing. Seemingly out of thin air, creative types produce great works of art and literature, they innovate with architecture, technology, medicine, song. If you can name it, chances are there was a creative person behind it. You think Albert Einstein...

The Staying Power and Flexibility of Social Media

[Laurie Pehar Borsh is a public relations professional, social media PR consultant/guru, and member of the Barrel O’Monkeyz team (] How do you track results from your traditional direct mail or advertising campaigns? If you’re like most small...

Social Media: Not Just Another Sales Pitch

[Laurie Pehar Borsh is a public relations professional, social media PR consultant/guru, and member of the Barrel O’Monkeyz team (] Nobody likes to be outright “sold to” either online or offline. Just think of the last time you went to lease or...