Content Is King . . . And Other Radical Views

“Content is King.” That’s what Bill Gates wrote back in 1996 while Microsoft was still the king of software and the Internet, and Google was still toddling in diapers at best. Of course, a lot has changed in 16 years, from the ascent of Apple and the departure of...

Appeal to Their Senses

We take for granted that students learn in different ways. Some are visual learners. For them seeing is believing. Some are more inclined to reading. They get their information through words. Some require more hands-on activities, while for others that’s no so...

In Search of the Perfect Marketing Touch

In my end-all, be-all of monkey sales dreams, the ideal transaction would go something like this: I grow a great crop of bananas; I tell my fellow monkeys how awesome the bananas taste and how good they are for them; and then my monkey “prospects” literally fight over...