Where Is This Generation’s “Greatest”?

For the past few weeks, I’ve focused on “entitlements,” mainly from the perspective of how some feel they’re entitled to something they’re not necessarily owed. Given recent events and the overall financial plight of our country, it shouldn’t take a simian...

Lead by Example

When you were little, I wager more than one adult asked you, “When you grow up, how are you going to change the world?” I was no different. I daydreamed often about how I was going to change things. I’d become president, be an astronaut, a doctor, or do something...

Time to Drop the Entitlement Attitude

The country’s financial ills aren’t going to fix themselves. We’ve got friends around the world, especially in Europe, hurting just as bad as (or worse than) us, and we’ve got enemies who would love nothing more than to see the United States crumble. And here at home,...