The Art of Serving (and Honoring) Others

Why do we serve others? Is it because we expect something (usually monetary) in return? Is it because of some religious or philosophical conviction? Or is it simply because serving others makes us feel good? For most of us, the reasons we serve others are probably...

Caught Up in the Jungle Chatter

Do you get so caught up in the day-to-day of life that you begin to lose sight of what’s most important, often taking things for granted, overlooking what’s right in front of you, or simply going through the motions as if on autopilot? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I just...

Occupy Your Community: Charity Begins at Home

Without question, making your voice heard is important to the social and moral “health” of America. I’d hate to imagine where we’d be as a country (even as a world) without the right to speak and assemble freely. And yet, as people around the country “occupy” this and...

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

It would be easy these days to become so preoccupied with what’s going on in Washington DC (or “not” going on, for that matter), your state capital, or your local business environment, that you start to lose sight of the task at hand: to live well, love well, work...

Take a Stand, Make a Difference

Do you ever feel like a lone voice in the wilderness? Or worse yet, do you fear voicing your beliefs or even living them because doing so wouldn’t be popular or in vogue? I know, sometimes, I do. Sometimes it’s just easier just to go with the flow, avoid...