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Is Your Content Hitting the Mark?
What good will it do for a search engine to rank your online content highly, only for it to miss the mark with your human readers?
Take a Stand, Make a Difference
Do you ever feel like a lone voice in the wilderness? Or worse yet, do you fear voicing your beliefs or even living them because doing so wouldn’t be popular or in vogue? I know, sometimes, I do. Sometimes it’s just easier just to go with the flow, avoid...
Living (and Working) the “Hyphen”
In life, we all have a start date. If you’re reading this week’s Blog you were probably born sometime before 1990, making you at least 21 years old (those were the days!). We all have an end date, too, but compared to birthdays and just about anything else, it’s never...
Where Is This Generation’s “Greatest”?
For the past few weeks, I've focused on “entitlements,” mainly from the perspective of how some feel they’re entitled to something they’re not necessarily owed. Given recent events and the overall financial plight of our country, it shouldn't take a simian with super...
Lead by Example
When you were little, I wager more than one adult asked you, “When you grow up, how are you going to change the world?” I was no different. I daydreamed often about how I was going to change things. I’d become president, be an astronaut, a doctor, or do something...
Time to Drop the Entitlement Attitude
The country’s financial ills aren’t going to fix themselves. We’ve got friends around the world, especially in Europe, hurting just as bad as (or worse than) us, and we’ve got enemies who would love nothing more than to see the United States crumble. And here at home,...
It’s Your Move
What do you do when times get tough, personally or professionally? Do you curl up in a ball and try to ride it out, hoping for the best, or do you take action? This King Monkey believes nothing's going to happen unless you make it happen. Just as the military teaches...
Attitude Speaks Louder Than Words
No doubt, actions speak louder than words. But what about attitude? Does attitude speak louder than words? A whole science (Neurolinguistics) has grown up around the study of language and how it affects the brain. This King Monkey is no expert on the topic, but it...
Patience in Short Supply
Maybe it’s because most of us grew up glued to the TV set where issues resolved themselves neatly (complete with laugh track and/or dramatic music!) in 23 minutes for the typical half-hour sitcom, or 43 minutes for hour-long dramas, but “patience” seems in short...
The Changing World of Work
I wager that few of your high school teachers or college professors—and certainly not your Mom or Dad—told you years ago that your work day could be conducted poolside or reclining on the beach with friends and family nearby playing volleyball, grilling steaks or...
Let There be Fireworks
Sometimes you need to celebrate, just for the sake of celebrating . . . even when things are looking down. Take this Independence Day, for example. Is everything perfect in America? Well, between the economy, deficit reduction battles, high gas prices, out-of-control...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.