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Make Your Message So Clear Everyone Can Understand It
When a message is not targeted, relatable, simple, unique, or of interest to the recipient it won’t be well received or memorable.
Branding: If It Looks Like a Duck, Swims Like a Duck . . .
Back in 1600, when Shakespeare penned Juliet’s now-famous line “What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” I doubt he ever imagined it would be used in a 2012 business blog about “branding.” But here it is. And with my sincere...
Paul’s “Theory of Creativity”
Creativity is amazing. Seemingly out of thin air, creative types produce great works of art and literature, they innovate with architecture, technology, medicine, song. If you can name it, chances are there was a creative person behind it. You think Albert Einstein...
The Staying Power and Flexibility of Social Media
[Laurie Pehar Borsh is a public relations professional, social media PR consultant/guru, and member of the Barrel O’Monkeyz team (] How do you track results from your traditional direct mail or advertising campaigns? If you’re like most small...
Social Media: Not Just Another Sales Pitch
[Laurie Pehar Borsh is a public relations professional, social media PR consultant/guru, and member of the Barrel O’Monkeyz team (] Nobody likes to be outright “sold to” either online or offline. Just think of the last time you went to lease or...
Whether it’s Marketing or Medicine, One Size Does Not Fit All!
I hurt my back recently and the outpouring of support from friends, family, and colleagues has been amazing. THANK YOU everyone for your well wishes and your empathy. At times like these, I often like to step back and see if there’s some underlying message I only have...
Know Thy Strengths
Entrepreneurs are quite often the prototypical “last man (or woman) standing.” We’re the first to arrive for work, the last to go home, and we’re never really off the clock. We think we can do it all—from CEO to Sales Director to Marketing Guru to Maintenance...
So You Want to Start Your Own Small Business?
I am always being approached by friends, colleagues, and sometimes even strangers who are thinking about starting their own small businesses. They want my advice, my insight, a glimpse at whatever “secret sauce” I’ve been cooking that’s allowed me to start-up several...
Time for a Selection Process Reboot
As we head down the path of choosing our President for the next four years, with incumbent Barrack Obama a shoo-in for the Democrats and Republicans still looking for their “player to be named later,” I must admit to feeling a bit disconnected. We are a nation 311...
Sometimes our hearts and minds are stirred by the unlikeliest of sources. Take last week’s episode of NCIS (that’s right, NCIS—one of my guilty pleasures and one of TV’s top-rated dramas for nine years and counting). The main character on the show, Jethro Gibbs...
Let the Success of Others Motivate You to Do More
When someone gets a bonus at work, or some other form of recognition, are you happy for him or her—even when you get no such recognition? Or do you become overwhelmed with the feeling of sour grapes (or bananas), wishing it was you in the spotlight? What about when a...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.