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Memorial Day: A Time for Gratitude and Fortitude
As you enjoy your cookout or outing with family and friends, take a moment to honor those fallen soldiers who have fought to protect the freedoms we enjoy in this country. That’s what Memorial Day is really all about.
No Time Like the Present: I Think It’s Time We Caught Up!
The life of an entrepreneur is never dull, especially for an entrepreneur looking to make the transition from self-employed back to full-time employment. That would be me. If I’ve piqued your interest, read on about what’s been going on with me personally and...
If You Need Something, Just Ask
I am often surprised when I hear people grumbling how they didn’t get something they wanted, only to find out from them later that they never really asked for it. “I built this new Web site and all I really wanted was for people to contact me for a free consult.”...
Revving Up That Resume
Spring has sprung in most parts of the country, unless you live in the seemingly perpetual deep freeze of the upper mid-west or northeast (but even there a robin or two has been sighted and the days are growing longer). This time of year brings back fond memories of...
Tough Conversations Can Be Difficult—Even Fierce—But They’re Worth It
It’s easy to tell people what they want to hear. After all, politicians do it all the time (sorry, I couldn't resist!). But what about what people need to hear, whether it’s good news or bad, or something in-between? What about those “tough” conversations, which some...
You Don’t Have to Do it All . . . and Sometimes You Shouldn’t!
We’d all like to think we’re “Superman” or “Superwoman”—that we can do it all because, up until now, we’ve been able to “do it all” for our businesses and in our personal lives. I’ve had the good fortune over the years to work with teams of individuals who...
3 Reasons to Pick Yourself (guest column)
As an entrepreneur and someone who has had the privilege of being picked “last,” I have learned how to fend for myself, how to pick myself up, and how to be my own cheerleader. These “survival” skills were invaluable to me as I grew Vizion Products, Crimson Design and...
Hard Not to Look
While I've been trying hard to focus on my own little corner of the world these days and my place in it, I’m finding it hard not to cast a glance eastward to Washington DC. With the sequester front and center, depending on whom you listen to or what news you watch,...
It Takes a Network
Regular readers of my blog know that I believe networking is one of the most vital activities necessary for success, whether you are looking to jump into a new career, jumpstart and old one, grow your business, increase your exposure, learn more about a new locale, or...
It’s All About Connections
The mid-winter blahs have no doubt hit our friends to the north, while we southern Californians bask in February sunshine that’s not too hot and not too cold. For me, this always seems like the perfect time of year to get sociable and share a slice of my “life in the...
We Should Admire Success, Whether It’s Ours or Somebody Else’s
Did someone change the dictionary and not bother to tell me? Methinks so, because “success” seems to have become a four-letter word overnight. When I was growing up (you know, back in the day when we had to walk 20 miles to school, uphill both ways), success was...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.