Updates and Upgrades: Here We Go Again
Seems every year about this time, either to catch the wave of back-to-schoolers or to whet the appetites of pre-holiday shoppers, Apple and other techno-giants unveil new products, upgrades, and/or plans for such. Rather than go in full blog mode on a subject near and...
Life on the Road: How this Entrepreneur Manages Business from the Road
I actually find myself breathing heavy as I begin to write this blog. Could it be stress and anticipation as I slip into “trip preparation mode” and my mind starts going a million miles an hour trying to think of all the possibilities, all the eventualities, all of...
Problem Solving 101
Encountering a problem is not always the end of the world. Sure, it’s likely we’ll all encounter a catastrophic situation at some point in our lives, but by and large, our day-to-day business and personal problems can be managed and overcome. It’s how we react to...
Will The Real You Stand Up?
When you were little, I'm sure a parent, teacher, or other authority figure in your life, at one time or another, told you "Honesty is the best policy." The words might seem trite now, the sentiments a little corny, but give them another read while thinking about all...
Finding Balance
Some days, the work never seems to end. You’re going 100 miles per hour and getting nowhere, trapped in a whirlwind of activity. Other days, idle time leads to pacing, anxiety, and lack of focus—there must be something I could be doing! You find it hard to relax, to...
Summer-Friendly Routine Does a Body (and Your Business) Good
There's something energizing and renewing about the long daylight hours of summer. Sure, if you were among the unfortunate millions in the mid-Atlantic recently basting in the blazing sun as utility crews worked to restore electricity and air conditioning, you may...
CAR Stories
Let’s face it. Most resumes are boring—a laundry list of where you’ve worked, when, and your educational credentials. It’s all important stuff, but just what does it tell a prospective employer about the real you and the attributes you bring to the table? Absolutely...
Why There Are No Jobs in America
I thought this would be interesting “food” for thought to stir some monkey chatter. As always, your comments are welcome! (Paul) This Is Why There Are No Jobs in America by Porter Stansberry (American financial publisher) I'd like to make you a business offer....
The Real Deal
As I race around God’s great Earth kissing frogs in the hopes they turn into beautiful princesses, I’m often asked the key to developing and maintaining a healthy network of business colleagues and a pipeline of leads. While there are undoubtedly many ingredients to...
Leaders Come in Many Shapes and Sizes
I recently blogged about how people learn and/or absorb messages in different ways—some are visual, others prefer content, while still others are auditory or even tactile. This got me to thinking that leading or managing often follows similar patterns, at least in...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.