
Placing Value on Feedback

On the heels of last week’s Blog about getting to know your customers better, and getting more comfortable asking them how they learn about, buy, and even use your products or services, I got to thinking “How do I incentivize my customers to give me feedback?”...

The Business Development Balancing Act

In some ways, life is all about balance. Day balances night, the ratio of men to women in the world is roughly 1:1, and when we eat too much or spend too much time in the recliner watching the TV, we try to balance it all out by exercising, eating right, taking walks...

Assume at Your Own Risk

Don’t Assume. How many times have we heard someone tell us that, whether it’s at home or on the job? There’s usually a second part to that saying, something about “When you assume, you make a (posterior section) out of you and me.” Seems like sound advice to me. To...

Social Media: Here to Stay

Watching the ups and downs of Facebook stock over the last year, got me to thinking, “Maybe this social media thing’s not all it’s cracked up to be.” Add in Apple’s recent tumble from numero uno company in the land, and I really started to wonder if we've experienced...

Disconnect Rx

We all need to disconnect at times from the day-to-day challenges of our business and personal lives, whether it’s for a planned vacation, an impromptu walk on a local nature trail or beach, watching your favorite sports team on the flat screen (Go Dodgers!), or...

If You Need Something, Just Ask

I am often surprised when I hear people grumbling how they didn’t get something they wanted, only to find out from them later that they never really asked for it. “I built this new Web site and all I really wanted was for people to contact me for a free consult.”...

Revving Up That Resume

Spring has sprung in most parts of the country, unless you live in the seemingly perpetual deep freeze of the upper mid-west or northeast (but even there a robin or two has been sighted and the days are growing longer). This time of year brings back fond memories of...

3 Reasons to Pick Yourself (guest column)

As an entrepreneur and someone who has had the privilege of being picked “last,” I have learned how to fend for myself, how to pick myself up, and how to be my own cheerleader. These “survival” skills were invaluable to me as I grew Vizion Products, Crimson Design and...


​Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.