What’s Your Strategy?

I recently had a conversation with a good friend. He was feeling restless about his website, his social media presence, and his overall message. He said he was feeling the need for a change, but really could not say why. All things in both his personal and...

You Can’t Spell Relationships without R-E-A-L

When you talk to others, do you fully engage? Do they? I was watching a discussion panel the other night on TV. It became readily apparent that the talking heads really weren’t listening to one another. Each was simply waiting for a moment of quiet as the cue for when...

Designer E-Marketing, Anyone?

I am sometimes amazed by the contents of my email inbox, particularly tailor-made messages and offers designed just for me. Of course, as a marketer and entrepreneur in this digital age, I shouldn’t really be that surprised. I get it. Opt-in lists, segmentation,...