Updates and Upgrades: Here We Go Again

Seems every year about this time, either to catch the wave of back-to-schoolers or to whet the appetites of pre-holiday shoppers, Apple and other techno-giants unveil new products, upgrades, and/or plans for such. Rather than go in full blog mode on a subject near and...

Problem Solving 101

Encountering a problem is not always the end of the world. Sure, it’s likely we’ll all encounter a catastrophic situation at some point in our lives, but by and large, our day-to-day business and personal problems can be managed and overcome. It’s how we react to...

Will The Real You Stand Up?

When you were little, I’m sure a parent, teacher, or other authority figure in your life, at one time or another, told you “Honesty is the best policy.” The words might seem trite now, the sentiments a little corny, but give them another read while...

Finding Balance

Some days, the work never seems to end. You’re going 100 miles per hour and getting nowhere, trapped in a whirlwind of activity. Other days, idle time leads to pacing, anxiety, and lack of focus—there must be something I could be doing! You find it hard to relax, to...