A “Work” in Progress

This past long holiday weekend, I couldn’t help but contemplate the state of workplace America, especially as I strolled the beach, smartphone in one hand, sunscreen in the other, and visions of the next great volleyball match dancing in my head. Independence...

Just the Facts . . . and the Feelings

The Fourth of July is upon us. Without question, that means it’s time for baseball, barbeques, family and friend get-togethers, fireworks, parades . . . and for yours truly as much beach volleyball as these aging (ahem!) bones and muscles can stand. I like to think...

Time for an Attitude Adjustment?

Catching the news these days (and it’s tough not to, between 24 x 7 cable news networks and ever-present Internet news feeds), it’s clear a lot of the newsmakers out there could use an attitude adjustment. From the stagnation that is Washington DC, to Russian...

2013 San Diego AMA AMY Awards

The entries submission deadline has come and gone, but you can still attend this “kick-ass cocktail kickoff and awards show” June 26, 2013 at the House of Blues, 1055 Fifth Avenue, Downtown, San Diego 92101. The 2013 San Diego AMA American Marketer of the Year (AMY)...