by King Monkey | Dec 12, 2013 | Uncategorized
We’re about to turn the page on another year. Before we know it 2014 will be upon us. How did 2013 work out for you? Did you achieve all of your goals? Did you achieve any of your goals? Did you establish any goals? I have found that without some sort of plan, I tend...
by King Monkey | Dec 4, 2013 | Uncategorized
There was no warning. No “brace for impact” alert. There was nothing—literally. The failure rate of computer hard disks is about 1% per year. And last week, while the whole country was about to give thanks, my computer’s hard drive decided to call in...
by King Monkey | Nov 21, 2013 | Uncategorized
Two years ago, as Thanksgiving approached, I wrote a blog about gratitude, service to others, and living life with enthusiasm. I was going to do another this year, but looking back, I found there’s really not much new I need to say. Gratitude for what we have, service...
by King Monkey | Nov 13, 2013 | Uncategorized
WOW. Is it really already mid-November? With the Thanksgiving feast looming, Turkeys everywhere are scattering. These days it seems as though every year goes by more quickly. I guess our parents were right when they said time goes faster as you get older. Looking back...
by King Monkey | Nov 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
I wish our political leaders would stand tall and tell us the way it is—no spin, no half-truths, no omission of facts to “protect us.” Contrary to Jack Nicholson’s rant in A Few Good Men, we CAN handle the truth. We’re grownups and we deal with grownup issues...