I Had the Radio On, I Was Drivin’

There’s something about being on the road that gets my creative juices flowing. Tom Petty said it best in Runnin’ Down a Dream when he sang, “I felt so good, like anything was possible.” Indeed. Maybe it’s the mystery of not knowing what’s around the next bend...

Small Business: Do You Have the Right Stuff?

It’s still early in the new year and, like every January, hope springs eternal. With a clean slate, almost anything seems possible . . . a new job, a new career, a new home, new relationships, maybe even starting a new business. Despite the economic struggles of...

“Glass of Wine” Networking

Did you attend a work party over the holidays, or get together with co-workers or colleagues to ring in the New Year? If you did, chances are you did more than spread some holiday cheer. Whether you know it or not, you were “networking”—either creating relationships...

Faster, Smarter, Smaller

During this gift giving time of year, it’s easy to let our imaginations wander about what might be hiding beneath some colorful wrapping paper and shiny bow. A new smartphone perhaps? A new, sleek tablet with all the bells and whistles? Years ago, did you ever think...