If Chimps Can Do It . . .

I was reading an online article this week about scientists studying how chimpanzees communicate. For this particular study, researchers spent 750 hours observing chimps and analyzing their vocalizations. What they found is that chimps indeed do “talk” to one another...

What Can Your Taxes Teach You? Business 101?

Inevitably, once the NFL playoffs hit, individuals, married couples, small business owners, and corporate financial types start hauling out the previous year’s receipts, bank statements, and other tax records. It’s a sure sign that tax season has arrived: W2s and...

Service Anyone?

It was “swearing-in time” in Washington DC this past week, as well as for state legislatures around the country. Newly-elected and returning senators and representatives smiled for the cameras, swore their oaths, and took their seats. It was a fairly drama-free...

As Leader, the Buck Stops with You

One of my long-time brand “heroes” let me down over the holidays. No, it wasn’t the fact that the item I ordered didn’t make it in time for Christmas, though that was the case. Nor was it the fact that this long-time ecommerce vendor failed to plan adequately for the...

How Was Your 2014?

The end of another year is upon us, and a new one is about to begin. How did 2014 treat you? How did you treat 2014? Were you a wallflower, or did you join-in? Sure, the world had its ups and downs, but for me, 2014 was fantastic: I got engaged, got married, welcomed...