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Taking a Look Back for Independence Day

Taking a Look Back for Independence Day

Sometimes it’s interesting to look back over a certain span of time to see how much things have changed or how much they’ve stayed the same. The United States turns 247 years old on July 4. That’s ancient in people terms, but quite young for a country. What have we...

Keep Your Marketing Afloat this Summer

Keep Your Marketing Afloat this Summer

Summer is a time for travel and vacations, but that doesn’t mean your marketing efforts should take a timeout. While you and your staff are recharging body, mind, and spirit with a little summertime R&R, there are plenty of things you can do over the next several...

Going Social for Father’s Day

Going Social for Father’s Day

Father’s Day is coming right up. How do you honor your dad, whether he’s still with us or not, for the role he has played in your life? A few years back I wrote a blog honoring all dads out there. I was going to write another for this year, but I figured “if it ain’t...

Mobile Tech Gifts and Gear to Celebrate Dads and Grads

Mobile Tech Gifts and Gear to Celebrate Dads and Grads

There are certain rites of spring’s transition to summer: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and high school and college graduations come to mind. While each brings its own unique traditions, gift-giving is a common thread. Mother’s Day may have passed, but Father’s Day and...

St. Pat’s Day 2021: Do You Feel Lucky?

St. Pat’s Day 2021: Do You Feel Lucky?

Science Tells Us Luck is Real – and We Help to Create It! Fresh on the heels of a 2020 that most of us would rather forget, writing about “luck” might seem like an odd topic. But, with St. Patrick’s Day fast approaching, the subject of luck is bound to come up in...

Let’s Explore: Is Taking A Stance Good for Business?

Let’s Explore: Is Taking A Stance Good for Business?

Does your business take a stand on issues? As people, it’s difficult not too. After all, businesses are made up of people. We all have opinions, beliefs, and values—so taking a stand on an issue can be tough to avoid, whether it’s an official company stance or not,...


​Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.