The Monkey Nation Is 32,060 Subscribers Strong!

Here’s the Secret of Creativity
What makes us creative? Can creativity be taught? The main ingredient necessary for creativity to flourish—from success at work or at home is . . .
The real VALUE of Referrals
Between you and me, referrals are the lifeblood of my business, the jungle juice. Without referrals, this King Monkey would seldom jump for joy. I suspect referrals are critical for your business too, especially if you work in the professional services space. Now, I...
UPDATE—Storm Clouds on the Horizon?
So right around the time last week’s post on “Cloud Computing” was hitting cyberspace, Sony's PlayStation Network went down, followed closely by Amazon's web services arm. (The latter two occurrences, totally unrelated to the former . . . really, I promise!) Now, Sony...
Is Your Head in “The Cloud”?
If I read the tea leaves correctly (or is that banana fronds?), that big old desktop computer or high-powered laptop in your home or office—the one that’s packed with expensive software, hardware, and gigabytes of storage space—will soon be outmoded, as will all those...
You Get What You Pay For
So you just pitched a project to a prospective client. You know you are one of several possibilities this client is looking at for their new campaign. You feel good about your proposal, especially your ability to meet the client’s goals and the metrics you’ve...
Don’t Sweat the Small Things
What a last week I’ve had, perhaps best summed up with one word (no not that one). The word I am thinking about is “hectic!” From personal commitments to professional pursuits to the unexpected passing of a dear friend (plus preparing to move residences), I felt like...
Time is Money
So you’re sitting at home or in the office minding your own business, catching up on the latest blog post from yours truly, eyes riveted to your computer monitor, when your inbox chime sounds. You’ve got email, so you check it out. There, buried among a friend’s...
Surviving and Thriving
Mardi Gras has come and gone. There was lots of celebrating leading up to Fat Tuesday, followed by what many call “Trash Wednesday” (which is actually “Ash Wednesday”), the inevitable and much dreaded “day after.” While Mardi Gras is popularly depicted as a time for...
Business Face-to-face: The Business Forum Networking Expo
Social media definitely occupies and important place in the business world. Where else can fans rave about your products and services, and tell hundreds of their friends—all in one easy motion, as simple as clicking a “like” or share button and then typing a few...
Apples To Apples: Will You be Upgrading to an Ipad2?
The new iPad2 is all good stuff, no doubt, and it paves the way for continued improvements to a product already near and dear to millions . . . but is it enough?
Don’t Lose Sight of Your Number One Fans
Here are some observations straight from the King Monkey, high in the jungle canopy after attending four tradeshows in six weeks has left me sick as a dog. (“Sleep? Who needs sleep? I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Well, maybe I could use a little rest . . .”) Business...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.