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Let There be Fireworks

Sometimes you need to celebrate, just for the sake of celebrating . . . even when things are looking down. Take this Independence Day, for example. Is everything perfect in America? Well, between the economy, deficit reduction battles, high gas prices, out-of-control...

Think Outside the Box

Success used to hinge on your ability to demonstrate value to your prospects and customers. You had a product or service to deliver, a sales message, you advertised in local or regional media, and voila—if people liked what they saw or read, or heard positive things...

Turning Lemons into Lemonade

There’s an old saying in Public Relations: “There’s no such thing as bad PR.” Now, I’m partial to positive attention, myself, but I have to admit if it wasn’t for negative PR, some folks would get no attention at all (especially celebrities). At the very least, it...

Be Part of the Conversation

When it comes to search engine relevance and social media success online, content remains king. While the future of search results is ever-changing (check out this fascinating discussion of Facebook, Google, and the nature of relationship driven vs. numbers-driven SEO...

Quick Hits from the King Monkey

Job Oportunity—Safe to say that 54,000 new private sector jobs a month isn’t likely to create a sense of economic euphoria anytime soon, but it’s sure better than negative job growth. As our economy sluggishly signals an overall upswing, the hemorrhaging seems to be...

Winning Combination: Strategy and Tactics

Many professional service firms package their services by aiming them at specific audiences or industries. These firms boast capabilities their customers or prospective customers lack, and the extra sets of hands necessary to deliver. Their calls-to-action are direct,...

Balancing Business Development with Work for Current Clients

Ask a business consultant about finding the right balance between time for new business development and getting client work done, and you’ll likely get an earful on time management and setting priorities. Those skills are certainly important, and many of us could use...

Putting People Behind Your Brand

Facebook gets the second most online traffic every day, just behind Google. Not too far behind them are other social media giants such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and scores more tailoring to specific audiences and niches. If that doesn’t get your juices going—if it doesn’t...

Strong Strategy + Strong Tactics = Social Media Success

We all know the famous refrain from the movie, Field of Dreams—“If you build it, they will come.” What worked for Kevin Costner’s character, though, won’t necessarily work for your social media goals. Establishing a presence on your favorite social networking site,...

What I Found by Getting Lost

I moved a few weeks back. I’m still in California, but it’s a new town and new digs. I felt disoriented at first, like a fish out of water (or is that ‘monkey out of the jungle?’), even though I had email, social media, IM, and texting to keep me in touch with friends...


​Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.