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Analytics: Know Thy Customer Through Technology
Knowing how many people are accessing your web site, what their experience of it is, and whether they are buying what you’re selling is . . . priceless.
A Winning Combination: Gratitude and Service to Others
This time of year people tend to get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holidays that they are often unable to enjoy them. Are you one of these people? How about switching things up this year? As a starter, I invite you to hop off the post-Halloween holiday...
Maybe it’s not Just the Economy: Meeting Customer Needs
These days, if you find yourself beating your head against the wall trying to generate more sales or get new clients only to come up empty again and again, it’s easy to blame the economy. Everyone’s doing it . . . and for many, their woes are connected to the current...
Caught Up in the Jungle Chatter
Do you get so caught up in the day-to-day of life that you begin to lose sight of what’s most important, often taking things for granted, overlooking what’s right in front of you, or simply going through the motions as if on autopilot? Sometimes I do. Sometimes I just...
Ice Cream Sundae for Lunch
These days we all seem to be in “crisis mode” 24x7, as though if we were to relax/lighten up for one second our lives would crumble around us. That’s just plain sad. I’m not suggesting that the country and the world don’t have some pretty serious problems (we do), but...
‘Tis the Season (Well Almost)
Halloween is not even here yet (less than a week and counting) and already Christmas and other Holiday decorations are making their way onto some of the larger retailer’s floors. ‘Tis the season, so to speak, which means it’s also time for all those inevitable news...
Occupy Your Community: Charity Begins at Home
Without question, making your voice heard is important to the social and moral “health” of America. I’d hate to imagine where we’d be as a country (even as a world) without the right to speak and assemble freely. And yet, as people around the country “occupy” this and...
Content Matters
Often when we hear the term “PR,” we mistakenly think about advertising or press releases, items that companies and individuals use to send information. And, certainly those things are important components of any good PR effort. But PR is so much more. PR is a...
Going Social
People are talking about you right now—your business, your products, your customer service. Can you afford not to listen? Better yet, how can you become part of the conversation so you can raise awareness of your brand and beef up your marketing efforts? Social media...
Keep Your Eyes on the Prize
It would be easy these days to become so preoccupied with what’s going on in Washington DC (or “not” going on, for that matter), your state capital, or your local business environment, that you start to lose sight of the task at hand: to live well, love well, work...
It’s All About Expectations
Setting proper expectations is often be the key to customer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction, we all know is the key to referrals, retention, and repeat sales. Case in point—your client thinks he or she is getting a Cadillac, but what you're able to deliver is...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.