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Don’t Let Analysis-Paralysis Stop You in Your Tracks

Don’t Let Analysis-Paralysis Stop You in Your Tracks

In the best of all worlds, for every decision we make and every action we take we would have sufficient time to consider every angle, think through all scenarios, and answer every "what if" question that comes to mind. We don't live in such a world. In business,...

Put Down Time to Work for Your Business

Put Down Time to Work for Your Business

Many bricks and mortar businesses are using their down time due to the Coronavirus shutdowns to clean up, renovate, organize, and do a lot of little things they could never get to because they were too busy and their stores or establishments too full. Kudos to them...

In Trying Times, Should You Speed Up or Slow Down Your Marketing?

In Trying Times, Should You Speed Up or Slow Down Your Marketing?

It’s safe to say that none of us could have foreseen the events of recent weeks as the world grapples with containing the COVID-19 pandemic. Here in the United States, schools, places of worship, and many businesses are shuttered as people shelter in place hoping to...

You Got My Attention, Now What?

You Got My Attention, Now What?

Companies spend a lot of time and money to get just the right look for their logo, website, and sales materials. The thinking is that by picking the right graphic, color, or design, you’ll capture the attention of your target customers and they’ll be unable to look...

Keep Your Messaging Simple, Smart, and People-Friendly

Keep Your Messaging Simple, Smart, and People-Friendly

At the heart of any enduring brand are its key messages—those snippets of content and descriptors about your company and its products and services that get delivered consistently to your target audience through a variety of channels, bringing your brand to life in a...

Build Your Better Team

Build Your Better Team

The rites of late winter are upon us. The Superbowl is over. Major League Baseball pitchers and catchers will be reporting to spring training soon. The days are getting longer, and warmer temps are with us more consistently here in southern California. My Dodgers...

Whether You Win an Award or Not, the Journey is Worth It

Whether You Win an Award or Not, the Journey is Worth It

It’s award season in the American entertainment industry. You can barely get through a news cycle without hearing about this actress, that producer, or some pop star talking about his or her craft and how simply being nominated for an award is an honor. NOTE: for...

What Can You Do in 2020 to Make the New Year Your Best Yet?

What Can You Do in 2020 to Make the New Year Your Best Yet?

I’m a firm believer that every day when we wake, we intend to do and be the best for ourselves, our friends, our families, our communities, and for our businesses. I also believe that the start of a fresh year is a special time for reflection, renewal, and...


​Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.