Make Your Message So Clear Everyone Can Understand It
When a message is not targeted, relatable, simple, unique, or of interest to the recipient it won’t be well received or memorable.
On the Road Again: Adventures in Business, Family, and Loving the Dodgers’ Moves
The last six months have been a colorful blend of business, family milestones, and general sports fervor (go Dodgers!). Like George Bailey, from ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ I am the richest man in town for a lot of reasons…
Analytics: Know Thy Customer Through Technology
Knowing how many people are accessing your web site, what their experience of it is, and whether they are buying what you’re selling is . . . priceless.
Is Your Content Hitting the Mark?
What good will it do for a search engine to rank your online content highly, only for it to miss the mark with your human readers?
Here’s the Secret of Creativity
What makes us creative? Can creativity be taught? The main ingredient necessary for creativity to flourish—from success at work or at home is . . .
When Opportunity Knocks, Are You Ready for Action?
Many great ideas simply shrivel on the vine. Building a strategy to support your great idea is the key to bettering your odds for success.
Bring Great Ideas to Life with Strategy
Many great ideas simply shrivel on the vine. Building a strategy to support your great idea is the key to bettering your odds for success.
Are You Planning for Success?
Guesswork and worry are huge energy drains. Imagine what removing those drains through planning would do for your life, your business, and your career.
Language: It’s in the Way That You Use It
Language serves as a potent tool, capable of fostering empathy, building bridges, and transcending barriers. How do the words and attitude you use impact your brand story?
Does Your Content Give Consumers What They Want?
The job of connecting with consumers these days can be tough—but it’s not impossible. How can marketers communicate with people who don’t want to be interrupted?
Know Your Communication Style: Time, Place, and Audience Matter
The authentic, genuine YOU that you present to an audience should NEVER change, but your communication style should change to suit the context and ensure optimal connection and understanding.
Networking Remains Crucial to Career and Business Success
Networking may be old school, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less crucial to career or business success. Attend those mixers. Establish those connections. Get engaged.
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.