
Know Thy Strengths

Entrepreneurs are quite often the prototypical “last man (or woman) standing.” We’re the first to arrive for work, the last to go home, and we’re never really off the clock. We think we can do it all—from CEO to Sales Director to Marketing Guru to Maintenance...

So You Want to Start Your Own Small Business?

I am always being approached by friends, colleagues, and sometimes even strangers who are thinking about starting their own small businesses. They want my advice, my insight, a glimpse at whatever “secret sauce” I’ve been cooking that’s allowed me to start-up several...

Time for a Selection Process Reboot

As we head down the path of choosing our President for the next four years, with incumbent Barrack Obama a shoo-in for the Democrats and Republicans still looking for their “player to be named later,” I must admit to feeling a bit disconnected. We are a nation 311...


Sometimes our hearts and minds are stirred by the unlikeliest of sources. Take last week’s episode of NCIS (that’s right, NCIS—one of my guilty pleasures and one of TV’s top-rated dramas for nine years and counting). The main character on the show, Jethro Gibbs...

Let the Success of Others Motivate You to Do More

When someone gets a bonus at work, or some other form of recognition, are you happy for him or her—even when you get no such recognition? Or do you become overwhelmed with the feeling of sour grapes (or bananas), wishing it was you in the spotlight? What about when a...

Proactive Planning: Your Formula for Success

Learn from the past. Apply lessons in the present. Create a better future by looking six, 12, 18 months ahead. The above seems like a good formula for success—a no-brainer, really—whether you’re talking strategic marketing, engineering a project, building better...

With a Clean Slate, Anything’s Possible

Maybe it’s because I spent time over the holidays in Alaska, marveling at the wonders Mother Nature has to offer, or back here in California skiing in the mountains, refreshing mind, body, and spirit—whatever it is, I am looking at 2012 with a feeling of renewed...

Keep Your Business on Simmer through the Holidays

Are you looking forward to year’s end? Do you find yourself thinking, “If I can just hold on another week or two” or “If I can just make it to January 1, everything will be OK?” If so, you’re not alone. What with the economic ups and downs of 2011, business as usual...

Social Media: Segment Your Way to Better Results

WOW! 10,000 followers and counting on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn . . . 50,000 likes! It’s fantastic, right? But what does it all mean? How can you leverage your followers/social media community effectively? How do you get action, results? I recently asked my social...


​Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.