Hard Not to Look
While I've been trying hard to focus on my own little corner of the world these days and my place in it, I’m finding it hard not to cast a glance eastward to Washington DC. With the sequester front and center, depending on whom you listen to or what news you watch,...
It Takes a Network
Regular readers of my blog know that I believe networking is one of the most vital activities necessary for success, whether you are looking to jump into a new career, jumpstart and old one, grow your business, increase your exposure, learn more about a new locale, or...
It’s All About Connections
The mid-winter blahs have no doubt hit our friends to the north, while we southern Californians bask in February sunshine that’s not too hot and not too cold. For me, this always seems like the perfect time of year to get sociable and share a slice of my “life in the...
We Should Admire Success, Whether It’s Ours or Somebody Else’s
Did someone change the dictionary and not bother to tell me? Methinks so, because “success” seems to have become a four-letter word overnight. When I was growing up (you know, back in the day when we had to walk 20 miles to school, uphill both ways), success was...
“War of the Roses” 2-Person King of the Beach Co-Ed Volleyball Tournament
Come watch or come play! 18 guys and 18 gals randomly divided on 3 courts, rain or shine. Approximately 50% of registration will go to Huntington's Disease Society of America-San Diego Chapter. Where: Dog Beach, Del Mar CA When: Feb 9 - 8:30 am Check-in, 9:00 am Start...
Managing in the Round
The workplace is ever evolving. From the integration of computers, smart phones, and tablets in the office, to high-speed connectivity, virtual meetings, telecommuting, and more, it’s a brave new world of work out there. As technology advances and worker education and...
Here We Go Again: If It Ain’t Broke, Why Fix It?
News this week that Apple has up to five new/updated product releases in the works for 2013 got me to thinking about product life cycles again. I mean, I hardly got to know my iPhone 4 before the 4s and 5 made their respective appearances . . . and now the 5s is on...
It’s Your Serve
This week’s inauguration ceremonies got me thinking back to previous inauguration addresses, most notably newly-elected President John F. Kennedy’s address delivered some fifty-one years ago this week on the mall in Washington DC. While I wasn't around at the time...
Add Proactive Planning to Your Tool Kit
There’s an old adage, “You can’t plan for everything.” True. But if you plan for most things, you can put yourself in the best position possible to ACT versus REACT when opportunities and challenges present themselves. Why is this important? I much prefer to act with...
A Good Cause: Not Just for Philanthropists Anymore
These days, as consumers, we expect the businesses we frequent to be concerned with more than just their bottom lines. Sure, we still demand top quality products and services, but merely satisfying our demand for materials, things, and know-how just doesn't cut it...
Jazzed for 2013
Each New Year brings mystery, uncertainty, anticipation, excitement, and even nostalgia for what has come and gone. You name it. The switching of the calendar from December to January is a literal grab bag of emotions. How did 2012 treat you? Was it a good year for...
Keeping up the Momentum
Business success is as much about timing as it is about having good ideas and working hard. In my “world” timing encompasses things like pace and execution, of knowing when to “hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em” as Kenny Rogers would say. Most of us—at least those of us...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.