It’s Your Serve
This week’s inauguration ceremonies got me thinking back to previous inauguration addresses, most notably newly-elected President John F. Kennedy’s address delivered some fifty-one years ago this week on the mall in Washington DC. While I wasn't around at the time...
Add Proactive Planning to Your Tool Kit
There’s an old adage, “You can’t plan for everything.” True. But if you plan for most things, you can put yourself in the best position possible to ACT versus REACT when opportunities and challenges present themselves. Why is this important? I much prefer to act with...
A Good Cause: Not Just for Philanthropists Anymore
These days, as consumers, we expect the businesses we frequent to be concerned with more than just their bottom lines. Sure, we still demand top quality products and services, but merely satisfying our demand for materials, things, and know-how just doesn't cut it...
Jazzed for 2013
Each New Year brings mystery, uncertainty, anticipation, excitement, and even nostalgia for what has come and gone. You name it. The switching of the calendar from December to January is a literal grab bag of emotions. How did 2012 treat you? Was it a good year for...
Keeping up the Momentum
Business success is as much about timing as it is about having good ideas and working hard. In my “world” timing encompasses things like pace and execution, of knowing when to “hold ‘em and when to fold ‘em” as Kenny Rogers would say. Most of us—at least those of us...
Going Mobile
With December passing by in its usual blur—what with Holiday parties, gift shopping, year-end celebrations, year-end jitters (hey, it happens!), and general merriment—I got to thinking about how “mobile” everything has gotten these days. So what if I leave home...
What’s A Start Up to Do these Days?
Not so long ago, if you had a great idea for a business, some personal initiative, and the willingness to work hard, you could usually find accessible dollars and/or investing partners who could set you on your feet and on the path to success. These days, with the...
People Are My Business
The Holidays are fast approaching and the season of giving is upon us. It’s also a time for service and reflection. Last year around this time, I wrote a Blog about the “art” of serving and honoring others, which seems an especially fitting theme again this year. My...
Take Charge: Treat Your Career as a Business
We all know the death knell of any business is stagnation. You have to be constantly improving, innovating, and growing your business or else run the risk of falling behind. And in this economy, you can’t afford to fall behind. Chances are you’ll get left in the dust...
Gratitude is the Place to Start
Yesterday I read that a survey found 45% of Americans across all income levels would rather skip "Christmas" because the holiday season simply brings too much financial pressure. Many blamed retailers for over commercializing the holiday to the point where consumers...
Let’s Succeed Together
The 2012 Presidential election is over . . . finally. Are you as exhausted as me from the wall-to-wall coverage and the ceaseless campaigning and spin that we've been inundated with since, it seems, the last election? Does it feel like we've been treading water for...
Head’s Up!
As many of you know, after four years of developing Barrel O’Monkeyz into a full service virtual marketing firm, I have decided over the last four months to shift my attention towards my next big venture. With that being said, my blogging will not stop nor will my...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.