It’s the Most “Planful” Time of the Year…
We’re about to turn the page on another year. Before we know it 2014 will be upon us. How did 2013 work out for you? Did you achieve all of your goals? Did you achieve any of your goals? Did you establish any goals? I have found that without some sort of plan, I tend...
One of the 1%
There was no warning. No “brace for impact” alert. There was nothing—literally. The failure rate of computer hard disks is about 1% per year. And last week, while the whole country was about to give thanks, my computer’s hard drive decided to call in...
What It’s All About
Two years ago, as Thanksgiving approached, I wrote a blog about gratitude, service to others, and living life with enthusiasm. I was going to do another this year, but looking back, I found there’s really not much new I need to say. Gratitude for what we have, service...
A Matter of Time
WOW. Is it really already mid-November? With the Thanksgiving feast looming, Turkeys everywhere are scattering. These days it seems as though every year goes by more quickly. I guess our parents were right when they said time goes faster as you get older. Looking back...
Honesty Is the Best Policy
I wish our political leaders would stand tall and tell us the way it is—no spin, no half-truths, no omission of facts to “protect us.” Contrary to Jack Nicholson’s rant in A Few Good Men, we CAN handle the truth. We’re grownups and we deal with grownup issues 24x7. We...
Social Entrepreneurs: If It’s Broke, Let’s Fix It
While politicians continue to dither and our government seems determined to remain stuck in a rut of its own making, luckily there’s a new type of entrepreneur stepping forward in this country and around the world, showing us that we CAN make a difference in big ways...
Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
Have you been watching the continuing dysfunction in Washington, DC? It’s hard not to. We’re peppered with “he said/she said” style reports, political gamesmanship, opinionated pundits, and so on via 24x7 news coverage and bloggers occupying practically every stop...
The Two Hungers and Your Personal Brand
We’re all pretty much attuned to the notion of company brands and positioning, and to a certain extent, we've all heard about personal branding—which has become especially important these days with the pervasiveness of online and social media activities. Whether we've...
It’s All About the Customer, Not Just What You’re Selling
As the Federal shutdown, slim down, or whatever you want to call it starts week number two, I just had to take a step back and wonder if the politicians in Washington D.C. (and locally, for that matter) really have any notion of the wants, needs, and desires of us...
Entrepreneurs WANTED! – Making Innovation Profitable
There’s a simple business axiom on which I think we all can agree: “If you can’t turn a profit, you really don’t have a business and you won’t stay around very long.” This doesn’t mean you have to turn a profit day one—few businesses do, and even the IRS assumes most...
Networking: A Give and Take Proposition
It’s official—as of September 22 at 4:44 pm ET (the autumnal equinox) summer is over. Now it’s time to get back to work after July and August vacations and make a last dash toward year’s end before the holidays hit. It’s also time to think about reconnecting with...
Innovation Alone No Guarantee of Success
Just because something is innovative, does that mean commercial success is assured? If you listen to most politicians, you’d think the answer is “yes.” Innovation is good, they tell us. Innovation is what drives the American economy, makes us different, makes us want...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.