If An Apple Falls, Does it Make a Sound?
Today’s headline got the tech and business worlds all a twitter, and even made yours truly take notice: “Android tablets capture 62% of market share in 2013, beating out iPad for the first time.” Could it be true? How could Apple let such a thing happen? Now read the...
Give Me a Break
With most schools on the east coast off the week of President’s day, and a good portion of schools shut down for all or part of the same week in the rest of the country—the proverbial winter break for students and teachers—my mind starting wandering back to the heady...
Taking the Lead: You Make the Call
You or your marketing team has generated leads. You have foot traffic, phone calls, Web traffic and/or all of the above . . . but now what? You've captured the attention of prospective customers, so what do you want them to do? Many small business owners fail to make...
Sportsmanship on Display
Admittedly I’m more partial to the summer Olympics (volleyball, anyone?), but the spirit of competitiveness and sportsmanship on display at Sochi is refreshing. If you happened to catch Czech snowboarder Sarka Pancochova’s scary fall, where she cracked her helmet, you...
2nd Annual “War of the Roses” Co-ed Volleyball Tournament for HDSA
North County Volleyball presents the “War of the Roses” two-person king and queen of the beach co-ed volleyball tournament invitational on Saturday, February 8, 2014 to benefit the Huntington's Disease Society of America (HDSA). "War of the Roses" will be held rain or...
Marketing is More than a Hunch
How many decisions do you make based on hunches or gut feelings? Did you just drop $30K on that new car because you had a “hunch” that it was everything you wanted, needed, and more? Or did you do some online research first, maybe even listening to the recommendations...
Let’s Grow the Opportunity Pie
It’s State of the Union time again. Looking back over the past 12 months at the big picture, it’s hard to say much has changed other than dates on the calendar, a few faces here and there, and the size of the national debt. The economy has shown signs of recovery,...
I Had the Radio On, I Was Drivin’
There’s something about being on the road that gets my creative juices flowing. Tom Petty said it best in Runnin’ Down a Dream when he sang, “I felt so good, like anything was possible.” Indeed. Maybe it’s the mystery of not knowing what’s around the next bend...
Small Business: Do You Have the Right Stuff?
It’s still early in the new year and, like every January, hope springs eternal. With a clean slate, almost anything seems possible . . . a new job, a new career, a new home, new relationships, maybe even starting a new business. Despite the economic struggles of...
“Glass of Wine” Networking
Did you attend a work party over the holidays, or get together with co-workers or colleagues to ring in the New Year? If you did, chances are you did more than spread some holiday cheer. Whether you know it or not, you were “networking”—either creating relationships...
Happy Holidays from Paul June…
Faster, Smarter, Smaller
During this gift giving time of year, it’s easy to let our imaginations wander about what might be hiding beneath some colorful wrapping paper and shiny bow. A new smartphone perhaps? A new, sleek tablet with all the bells and whistles? Years ago, did you ever think...
Based in San Diego and active across southern California and beyond, Barrel O'Monkeyz serves as a seasoned, outsourced marketing agency specializing in both business-to-business and consumer-based marketing. Our barrel is full of talent and creative minds ready to help companies tell their brand stories, ramp up sales, and launch new products.