Communication: Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing

Communication, by its very nature, is a two way street. Someone speaks and someone listens—well, hopefully someone listens—and then someone speaks again; or someone writes and someone responds, and so on. People also communicate non-verbally. A gesture here and a wink...

The Ripple Effect

If, like me, you’ve been skimming the headlines recently (online, of course) and ducking the constant barrage of what’s happening where and when—from the Trayvon Martin case and the Edward Snowden stare down, to D.C. politics as usual and the birth of a future...

You Don’t Have to Go It Alone

While the lone wolf, silent hero is certainly popular in movies, books, and TV these days, when it comes to real life few of us truly “go it alone.” Instead, we rely on networks of friends, family, co-workers—you name it—when the going is good and especially when the...

A “Work” in Progress

This past long holiday weekend, I couldn’t help but contemplate the state of workplace America, especially as I strolled the beach, smartphone in one hand, sunscreen in the other, and visions of the next great volleyball match dancing in my head. Independence...

Just the Facts . . . and the Feelings

The Fourth of July is upon us. Without question, that means it’s time for baseball, barbeques, family and friend get-togethers, fireworks, parades . . . and for yours truly as much beach volleyball as these aging (ahem!) bones and muscles can stand. I like to think...